The scientific name of the European honey bee is Apis Mellifera, the honey-maker (C.1761)

Indeed, medicinal importance of honey has been documented in the world's oldest medical literatures, and since the ancient times, it has been known to possess antimicrobial property as well as wound-healing activity. The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too. The antimicrobial activity in most honeys is due to the enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide. However, another kind of honey, called non-peroxide honey (viz., manuka honey), displays significant antibacterial effects even when the hydrogen peroxide activity is blocked.

(2011, M D Mandal1 and S Mandal2,)

Bowl of honey on dipper for medicinal use

Did you know?

  • Shop for honey and you'll see that some are lighter, others are darker. In general, the darker the honey, the better its antibacterial and antioxidant power
  • Honey was known to the Greeks as the "food of the Gods"
  • Honey was used in WWI to treat soldiers wounds. It is healing as antibacterial & attracts & absorbs moisture