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Welcome to the 'Beekeepers' area which contains restricted content specifically for our beekeeping community. 
Here you will find a wide range of resources and information to support existing BBKA members and Associations.
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If you aren't already a BBKA member then you can explore your options to 'Become a Member'

Membership of the BBKA shall be open to the following Classes, with the benefits described and conditions set out in the relevant Section of Annexe A:

BBKA capitation rates:  Registered Member £21.00, Partner Member £13.50,  Junior Member £9.50,  Country Member £10.00, Schools Member £21.00.

9.1  Area Association Members (AAMs): 

Area Associations of beekeepers in any part of United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man with substantially similar objects to those of the BBKA, and with constitutions and/or rules acceptable to the BBKA. An Area Association may consist of one or more branches or divisions or be a federation of independent or quasi-independent beekeeping associations, which agrees to comply with the Constitution of the BBKA and lodges with the BBKA an up-to-date copy of its constitution and/or rules and any subsequent amendments thereto;

9.2  Registered Members:

Individuals, for whom a membership fee has been paid to their AAM or one of its component associations and in respect of whom a capitation is subsequently paid to the BBKA and for whom a contact name and address has been supplied to the BBKA; Registered Charity No. 1185343;

9.3  Partner Members:

Individuals, being members of an AAM or one of its component associations who reside at the same address as a Registered Member, as defined in Clause 9.2 and who meet the requirements set out in Clause 9.2.  Only one Partner Member per Registered Member is permitted at the same address;

9.4  Country Members: 

Individuals, being members of an AAM or one of its component associations not being active in beekeeping who nevertheless wish to support and be involved with the BBKA and who meet the requirements set out in Clause 9.2;

9.5  Individual Members: 

Individuals, who are interested in furthering the objectives of the BBKA.  Individual Members may also be Registered Members, Partner Members or Country Members as defined in Clauses 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 above, of an Area Association in which case the individual membership fee is payable in addition to any capitation fee paid via the Individual Member’s Area Association;

9.6 Specialist Members: 

Organisations, engaged in promoting special sections of the craft and practice of beekeeping or related activities;

9.7 Institutional Members: 

Organisations, engaged in general educational activities (including correctional activities) who wish to practise or promote beekeeping;

9.8 Corporate Members: 

Corporations or other commercial entities that wish to support in whole or in part, the work of the BBKA;

9.9 Honorary Fellows:

Individuals of academic distinction upon whom the BBKA confers membership, without any membership subscription being levied, in recognition of their achievements;

9.10 Honorary Members: 

Individuals upon whom the BBKA confers membership, without any membership subscription being levied, in recognition of their contribution to the BBKA.

9.11 Junior Members: 

Individuals under the age of 18 years, for whom a membership fee has been paid to their AAM or one of its component associations and in respect of whom a capitation is subsequently paid to the BBKA and for whom a contact name and address has been supplied to the BBKA.  Junior membership shall cease when the Junior attains the age of 18 and shall be automatically and immediately amended to Registered Membership for the remainder of that membership year, without further payment of any additional capitation in respect of that year.

9.12 School & Educational Establishment Members: 

Individuals employed by a school , for whom a membership fee has been paid to their AAM or one of its component associations and in respect of whom a capitation is subsequently paid to the BBKA and for whom a contact name and school address has been supplied to the BBKA; Registered Charity No. 1185343;  Up to 4 Partner Members are permitted at the same school address. NB:  BBKA third party insurance does not apply to this category of membership.

If you need details of the BBKA insurance scheme please click here.
