The Yellow-Legged Asian Hornet is a highly aggressive predator which poses a significant threat to honey bees and other pollinators in the UK. Numbers of the destructive insect rose rapidly in 2023 and more were detected in the UK than in the previous six years combined.

If you spot an Asian Hornet or a nest please report it immediately.

It is crucial all possible sightings are reported so experts can take quick and effective action to eradicate Yellow-Legged Asian Hornets.  

UK Sightings

The first Yellow-Legged Asian Hornet in the UK was discovered in 2016. Between 2016 and 2022 there have been 23 confirmed sightings in the UK including 14 nests. In 2023 there were 72 Asian Hornet nests found in 56 locations.

Full details of confirmed sightings in 2024 to date can be found on Defra's Asian Hornet sightings page




This is a Yellow-Legged Asian Hornet: 

See our identification page for further information and details of other insects which are often confused with the Yellow-Legged Asian Hornet.

See it!  Snap it!  Send it!


The best way to report any sightings is via the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app.  
The home screen of the App allows users to check similar species and report a sighting.  A photo is requested as key to identification. Date and location are auto completed and brief comments can be included.  A reminder about personal safety is also included.  Reporting can lead to investigation and nest destruction which is vital for eradication.


Photos and videos can also be emailed to: [email protected].  Please ensure you include full location and contact details.

Please include an image wherever possible as written descriptions are much less effective.  Without an image sightings are much less likely to be followed up.

We are actively planning a number of publicity campaigns to help raise awareness with the general public.  We need the help of the general public to look out for Yellow-Legged Asian Hornets and to report all potential sightings if we are going to stand any chance of preventing them from becoming established in the UK.  We need your help to raise funds so we can reach as many people as possible.

Any funds you can give will be helping our pollinators in a very real way!



‘Courtesy The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Crown Copyright’.