Firstly, all associations planning beekeeping training need to carry out a Covid-19 risk assessment.

This needs to be assessed using current Covid Guidelines for your area. These may vary from time to time and region by region. It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with these guidelines and to keep up to date with them.

The progression through the 'Road Map' needs to take into account the numbers of people allowed to meet and any 'hands face space' guidelines in force.
Do not forget to count all trainers in the total numbers of people.

What to include in your COVID-19 risk assessment (PDF)- Portable Document Format.

You must:

  • identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus
  • think about who could be at risk
  • decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed
  • act to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk

    The HSE provide a list of risk points to consider, but there may be additional aspects relating to beekeeping that should be considered.


For beekeeping practical sessions

You might consider the following prior to organising sessions and ensure this is adhered to during the practical session. 

Ensure no sharing of bee suits, gloves or other personal equipment. 

Marking spots at distance* around the hive and outside the apiary. 

Provide a one way system for accessing the apiary

Implementing drop zones for passing equipment between people

Consider use of physical screens and barriers 

By staggering start times of the practical you can reduce the number of people at any one time.

Limiting the number of people attending sessions

Using a booking system to ensure limits and timings are adhered to.

Provide additional hand washing facilities 

Ensure people who are vulnerable are protected. 

Consider continued use of video technology where possible to ensure those unable to attend due to isolation or vulnerability 

Consider continued use of video meetings to encourage new beekeepers to learn and support existing beekeepers.

* According to whatever guidelines are in place at that current time