'Friends of the Honey Bee' is a BBKA initiative aimed at reaching out to primary schools and other community groups to encourage them to become more bee friendly and aware of the importance of all pollinators.

Benefits of becoming a 'Friend of the Honey Bee':

  • FREE to join!
  • Use of the 'Friends of the Honey Bee' logo within school and on school stationery
  • Laminated membership certificate
  • 'Friends of the Honey Bee' stickers
  • A termly newsletter from the BBKA
  • BBKA assistance to facilitate a visit and presentation by a beekeeper


Some suggested activities for 'Friends of the Honey Bee' schools:

  • Planting for bees and pollinators, making the most of available opportunities - you don’t need to have a lot of space to plant some seeds in pots and planters or you can try using recycled materials.
  • Sharing the importance of planting forage for bees and pollinators within your community - can you give a talk to the rest of your school during assembly?
  • Exploring the importance of honey bees and hive products in the environment - write a story or poem, paint or draw pictures, make up a play or take photos.

Further ideas are available on our activities page.

To become a 'Friend of the Honey Bee' schools and community groups simply need to complete and submit an application form.