Friday 9 April 2021

Defra and the Welsh Government are asking beekeepers and bee farmers to do a survey about training that can help them implement effective biosecurity and maintain good standards of husbandry. 

How can training and information sources for beekeepers and bee farmers be improved? Have your say by taking a survey.  

Defra and the Welsh Government want to ensure that beekeepers and bee farmers have access to training and information that can help them implement effective biosecurity and maintain good standards of husbandry, so as to minimise pest and disease risks and improve the sustainability of honeybee populations. 

A short questionnaire is available for current beekeepers, people who have recently stopped keeping bees as well
as bee farmers to give their views and opinions on the type, accessibility and range of training and information available and how it could be improved. 

Please use this link to complete the survey by 21 April. To access the survey in Welsh, please click here. It should take no more than 15 minutes.  

Please share this post with other beekeepers and bee farmers! 

If you experience any issues accessing or filling in the survey, please contact [email protected]

Sut y gellir gwella hyfforddiant a ffynonellau gwybodaeth ar gyfer gwenynwyr a ffermwyr gwenyn? Dywedwch eich
dweud trwy gwblhau harolwg.
Mae DEFRA a Llywodraeth Cymru am sicrhau bod gan wenynwyr a ffermwyr gwenyn fynediad at hyfforddiant a gwybodaeth
a all eu helpu i weithredu bioddiogelwch effeithiol a chynnal safonau hwsmonaeth da, er mwyn lleihau risgiau plâu a
chlefydau a gwella cynaliadwyedd poblogaethau gwenyn mêl.
Mae holiadur byr ar gael i wenynwyr presennol a phobl sydd wedi rhoi’r gorau i gadw gwenyn yn ddiweddar, yn
ogystal â ffermwyr gwenyn, roi eu barn ar y math ac ystod o hyfforddiant a gwybodaeth sydd ar gael, pa mor hygyrch
ydyw, a sut y gellid ei wella.
Defnyddiwch y ddolen hon i gwblhau'r arolwg erbyn 21/04/2021. Ni ddylai gymryd mwy na 15 munud.
Rhannwch y postiad hwn gyda gwenynwyr a ffermwyr gwenyn eraill!
Os ydych chi'n profi unrhyw broblemau wrth gyrchu neu lenwi'r arolwg, cysylltwch â [email protected]