Monday April 4 2022

"Children really have been 'buzzing' since we left"

The first school visit to the BBKA's new  Apiary Garden and Education Centre has taken place! 

The 27 children and four teachers from Longford Primary School in Coventry arrived at the British Beekeepers' Association headquarters on Thursday 31st March 2022. The weather was cold with sunny spells and snowy blizzards but a full day of activities was enjoyed by all. 

The day started with children being welcomed to the BBKA by Past President Margaret Murdin.

Margaret is a master beekeeper with a background in education.  She has previously given a series of talks for children about bees which are available on the BBKA's YouTube channel. 

Margaret explained to the children all about bees and what they do in the hive and what they make. There were lots of things for the children to look at including a hive, frames from a honey super, smokers, and hive tools.  They were even able to taste different types of honey! 

The activities included pond dipping, candle rolling, making a life cycle plate, trying on bee suits and holding smokers and hive tools, looking at real bees in an observation hive, making mosaic flowers and putting on special glasses that show how bees see the world. The children also got to plant poppy seeds and broad bean seeds as well as making a bug hotel.

The school children loved their day at the BBKA's new  Apiary Garden and Education Centre and we have received some lovely feedback from the school:
‘I just wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful day yesterday the children really have been 'buzzing' since we left.’ 

The Apiary Garden and Education Centre was built thanks to a generous legacy left by a beekeeper, Jim Hopkins, together with generous donations from the public and many corporate sponsors.

Schools wanting to plan a visit should go to the School Visits tab under Junior Beekeeping on our website:
