Exam Board Statement

"The global outbreak of COVID-19 has meant that we have had to limit socialising and gatherings to help prevent the spread of this disease. Inevitably, this has had a huge impact on the BBKA exam system, that relies on candidates, assessors and invigilators to meet in close proximity or travel some distance away from home. 

"Following the feedback from many associations and individuals on the matter, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the BBKA assessments for the remaining part of 2020. These include Show Judge certificate in October as well as Module exams and Microscopy assessments in November. 

"The main concern of the Exam Board is the safety of all candidates, assessors and invigilators. While some associations have indicated that they may be able to facilitate the Module exams, others have advised against it. We want to offer equal opportunities to all members who wish to take BBKA exams. With the current situation, however, we do not feel this is achievable for all involved. 

"Candidates who have applied for assessments in 2020 will get free transfer for 2021, or get their fees refunded if they prefer. Due to the cancellation of the exams, the condition that candidates need to have taken all Modules within 12 years of the first module taken has now been removed. 

"We know how much value beekeepers put on the BBKA exam system. To support those who continue on their learning journey, we are exploring alrernative ways to hold the Module exams and hope to have a solution in place for the earlypart of 2021."
