PRESS RELEASE: From the CB Dennis British Beekeepers’ Research Trust,
Bee Diseases Insurance Limited and The British Beekeepers Association

Embargoed until 00:01 12th August 2022


The health of honey bees is of increasing importance, so the CB Dennis British Beekeepers’ Research
Trust, Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd and The British Beekeepers Association are combining to fully fund a
three year research studentship into bee health. British Universities and Research Institutes are being
invited to apply with a research proposal that would improve our understanding of bee health and
contribute to the long-term benefit of bees.
Funding a student to undertake the research for a doctorate also helps ensure that we have high class
researchers in the field of bee health for the future. The grant will fully fund the research and is worth up
to £90,000 over the three years.
The President of Bees Disease Insurance, Martin Smith said, ‘The ability to provide greater resources to
support research into bee diseases through this joint arrangement must be a good thing. We hope
significant results will be forthcoming.’
The Chair of the British Beekeepers Association, Stephen Barnes said, ‘Cooperating in this way to support
high quality research that will ultimately benefit bees, beekeeping and the environment is a really positive
step forward.’
The Chair of the CB Dennis British Beekeepers’ Research Trust, Simon Baker said, ‘It is a great
opportunity to help improve the outlook for our honey bees and wild bees, and fantastic that three separate
organisations with a shared concern for bees can cooperate in this way’

Application forms are available from the CB Dennis Trust website (

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Notes to Editors
Bee Diseases Insurance Limited (BDI) ( insures beekeepers in England
and Wales against the loss of beekeeping equipment in the event of the destruction or treatment of their
bees by a NBU approved Bee Inspector as a result of being infected by a notifiable disease. To promote
a healthy bee population, BDI sponsors research into the causes and possible remedies of honey bee


Version 1.1 August 2022
The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) represents approximately 30,000 hobbyist beekeepers
( The BBKA is dedicated to the education of the public and beekeepers in the craft of
beekeeping and promote the importance of bees in the environment. It is a registered charity and supports
research on bee diseases and pests.
The C.B. Dennis British Beekeepers’ Research Trust ( is a registered charity
which supports research at universities and institutes that benefits bees and beekeeping in Britain through
the provision of grants.

Martin Smith, President, Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd.
Email: [email protected] Phone: 07831 695732