Latest News Update from the Exam board Spring 2021 All candidates for the online module exams should now have received emails with login details and software links and instructions to set up the Inspera Exam Portal ready for the Module exams. The email contains the following information:- We recommend you print this message and instructions or at least make a note of your login details. Download PC Instructions here Download Mac Instructions here These are your login details that you will need to test the software and carry out the formal submission test on the weekend of March 20/21st. “login details will be shown on your email here” (You will be sent different login details for your actual exam(s) on 24th April – if you are taking more than one module there will be different login details for each module in April but only one set is needed now) This is a two stage process: Stage 1 – Up to 19th March download and test Inspera Exam Portal software. The purpose of this first stage is to check that your computer setup accepts the software to run the exams. This is to be carried out on the computer you intend to use for your exam in April. Using a work computer, where you don’t have full authority over the configuration, is not recommended. You will need some form of photo ID to practise the ID check. This can be any badge which has your photograph and name on it eg. works badge, bus pass, driving licence, passport etc. There are different setups depending on whether you are using a PC, a Mac or an iPad with keyboard. The first two are straight forward but if you intend to use an iPad please get in touch because we will need to send you different log in details. To download and install the software use the following links, this can be done any time before 19th March: Download PC software here. Download Mac software here. Now follow the step by step instructions for the installation of the software, for a PC or Mac as appropriate, using the login details above. You can access the demo test as often as you like. If you experience any problems please check the FAQ on the website before using the contact form with details of the problem and your telephone number – you will be contacted by one of our support team. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible but this will depend on workload. Stage 2 – Mock Exam Day Test, 20th/21st March You will see the paper for 20th/21st March is listed in the previous process but it will not become active until midnight on Friday 19th March and it will remain available until midnight on Sunday 21st March. After launching the Inspera Exam Portal from your desktop icon, use the log in details above to access the Mock Exam Day Test which will now be active. The purpose of this test is to confirm you have successfully installed the necessary software and are familiar with the exam process. It is also allowing us to fully test our processes and procedures under BBKA exam day conditions. You don’t have to complete the full paper but answer the questions you can. This paper is a mix of past paper questions from every module and is not intended to reflect the module(s) you are taking. Unless we hear from you to the contrary, we will assume that if you have not submitted the paper you do not intend to take the exam on 24th April. Following this test you have until April 3rd to transfer your entry to November if it has not been possible to successfully submit a paper or you decide this method of taking exams is not for you. In either case contact the Examinations Secretary using our contact form. Manage Cookie Preferences