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Additional Support

We are committed to helping all people access our Examination/Assessments; including those who have a disability or other condition making it difficult to take a BBKA Examination or Assessment. Candidates who think they will need special consideration such as additional time or other support when taking an Examination/Assessment should tick the box on the Application Form.

We are committed to helping all people access our Examination/Assessments; including those who have a disability or other condition making it difficult to take a BBKA Examination or Assessment.

Candidates who think they will need special consideration such as additional time or other support when taking an Examination / Assessment should tick the box on the Application Form. The Candidate will be asked to provide a doctor's or qualified practioner's* report or other appropriate evidence to support their request. In the case of dyslexia, if you do not already have a report, an online assessment is available at the Dyslexia Association website (*Chartered psychologist or specialist teacher with a practicing certificate.)

Time will be saved in making arrangements if the report can be included with the Application Form or sent directly to the BBKA Examinations Secretary at the time of application.

Applicants with a request for additional support should send in their applications at least 10 weeks prior to the examination or assessment to ensure there is sufficient time for arrangements to be made.


Possible support includes:

  • Candidates may be allowed up to 25% additional time i.e. 25 minutes for each module.
  • Where writing is extremely difficult an amanuensis may be used.
    • The amanuensis must not be a relative/partner or friend of the Candidate
    • The amanuensis must not be a beekeeper.
    • The amanuensis can read a question to the Candidate
    • A separate Invigilator and venue must be provided
  • Where recommended by the qualified practioner’s report or other appropriate evidence, a PC/laptop may be used.
    • The PC/laptop must be cleared of any beekeeping material.
    • Standard word-processing software should be used. Spell check may be enabled but Grammar check should be disabled.
    • The work should be saved on 2 separate memory sticks both of which should be returned to the Board Secretary in the envelope provided.
    • A separate Invigilator and venue must be provided
    • Invigilator to be able to see the PC/laptop screen

The Board may allow an additional 25 % of Examination time for Candidates for whom English is not the first language and who have lived in the UK for less than two (2) years.


Assistance with lifting is a given in the practical assessments but additional support may include, for example, the assistance of a helper, the presence of a carer or use of specialist equipment. Each case will need to be considered individually.

Additional information