Dr R Vinkenoog & Catherine Baldock; Northumbria University

Quantifying the importance of tree floral resources for pollinators in urban landscapes.

Mr Wurm; Queen Mary University of London
Use of molecular medicine for early and effective diagnostics and monitoring of honeybee health.

Dr Richard Gill, Imperial College London
Are pesticide impacts on honey bee metabolic rate, body temperature, and locomotion associated with impaired ability to thermoregulate colonies?     This project is jointly funded with Bee Diseases Ltd and CB Denis Trust.

Professor Richard Pywell, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) 
Case Study to explore the use of emerging sequencing technologies to investigate the distribution of common bee diseases within the environment and if exposure to these can be linked to specific floral resources and wild pollinator interactions.

Dr Maria Clara Castellanos; University of Sussex
Journal of Pollinator Ecology - support to enable open access publication of pollinator papers from around the world.

Gema Martin-Ordas; University of Stirling
Towards an understanding of how pollution affects bee cognition - a pilot study

Dr Katherine Baldock, Northumbria University

Macronutrient analyses of nectar and pollen

Christopher Rodrigues, Wawick University

Molecular genetics and cell biology of the life cycle of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American Foulbrood Disease.  This project is jointly funded by Bee Diseases Ltd.