If you have a research proposal that you believe would be of interest to the BBKA and wish to apply for funds, please complete an application form.

Please be aware that we need at least 8-12 weeks to appraise all requests.  It is important, therefore, to allow sufficient time for all applications to be considered as there will not be an instant reply to any submissions.

Unfortunately, we are not able to fund research in overseas areas or offer any funding to overseas researchers.  Also, we are not able to fund or assist with new equipment for beekeeping, new feed or treatment products or support commercial products.

All requests for funding are submitted to the Research Committee which comprises elected BBKA Trustees.  If the Research Committee, in conjunction with an expert panel, believes the application is valid and of interest it will then go to the BBKA Executive Committee for final approval of funding.

We are also approached by researchers for ‘Letters of Support’ as they attempt to obtain funds for their research ideas.  We do not send these letters lightly, but where we can, we do try to enable research that meets and supports BBKA objectives.  In most cases the researchers do not want money but expertise from BBKA members or access to samples or hives etc.   Monetary value by the Research Councils is attached to BBKA involvement which can help release funds for the researcher.  Please use the application form above to submit details.