Following the ADM resolution regarding the derogation of a neonicotinoid product, the BBKA has

  • Written to the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
  • Written to the Prime Minister
  • Provided information to all Associations so their members can:-
    o Write to their MP, with guidance on points that can be made
    o Find supporting petitions and sign them if they wish.

BBKA has been made aware that there is a consultation which closes on 26th February 2021 for use in the Draft
National Plan, this consultation is titled Sustainable use of Pesticides. The link is below.
This is a public consultation, and everyone can contribute.
BBKA trustees have devised answers to the questions which members can use, if they wish and they are attached in
the document below (numbered as per the consultation website).  A PDF of the questions to which the answers refer
taken from the website is here:

A letter, which is to be attached to the BBKA response and sent separately to the Secretary of State for Environment
Food and Rural Affairs, is also attached.

The BBKA trustees believe that following the recent derogation for a pesticide, one of the best ways that
members can make known their concerns and ensure that new plans are drafted with the environment in mind is to
contribute to this and other consultations as they occur.

Pesticide consultation 

Pesticide answers
