Asian Hornet Week:  2nd - 8th September 2024

Held in September each year to help raise awareness.

BBKA Press Release for Asian Hornet Week 2023.

If you would like to watch all of the 2023 Asian Hornet Week presentations a list is available here.

Media Support and Tips for AHAT Teams, Tuesday 30th April 2024, 6.00pm

Advice and guidance from Kirsteen Thorne, BBKA Outreach Officer, for AHAT Teams on how to engage with the media and make the most of interview opportunities with regard to Asian hornet awareness. 

Watch the recording:

Asian Hornet Conference:  Saturday 17th February 2024

This year’s online conference provided updates from the NBU, Kent and Jersey together with further information as to how beekeepers fit into the fight against the Asian Hornet.

Nigel Semmence: 'An Update from the NBU'
Martin Smith; eR2 Project Manager: ‘Communication is the key’
Kirsteen Thorne;  BBKA Outreach Officer
Alastair Christie:  'An update on Jersey and what BBKA could learn from the Jersey Experience' 
Jackie Aucott: An update from Kent

Questions and answers from the 2024 Conference:

eR2 Questions
NBU Questions
BBKA Questions for Defra and the NBU

Watch the recording here:

Asian Hornet – Special Briefing for Beekeepers – update for 2024 by Andrew Durham

This briefing covered:

  • The situation as at the end of 2023
  • The effect on beekeeping
  • The prospect for 2024 and beyond
  • A report on the first year in operation of the new French National Plan for fighting the hornet

Watch the recording here:

Recordings of Previous Asian Hornet Conferences

Banner photo:  Dave Heaton