It is crucial that any possible sightings are reported so experts can take quick and effective action to eradicate Asian Hornets. The best way is to use the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app to record and report any sightings. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices. Photos and videos can also be sent by email to: [email protected]

This incursion map will update with any further sightings of Asian Hornets and includes sightings in the UK since 2016

If you click on the  logo on the map then you can select each year as required.

This allows you to view just the current year or to also have previous years sighting's of Asian hornets showing.

Asian Hornet Monitoring

Think you have seen an Asian Hornet in your area?

Monitoring the environment for foraging hornets allows the NBU to identify if an Asian hornet nest may be present in a particular area. Frequent and widespread monitoring is needed throughout the UK to manage Asian hornet incursions.  Members of the public can significantly contribute by monitoring for foraging hornets and reporting Asian hornet sightings.  If you can help please read the National Bee Unit's  'Asian Hornet Monitoring' document for further information about how you can get involved.

Safety guidance document for Asian Hornet monitoring.

2024 Sightings:


A rolling update is provided by the National Bee Unit for 2024 sightings.

2023 Sightings:



In 2023 there were 72 Asian hornet nests found in 56 locations. 
A rolling update for 2023 is available on BeeBase.

Details of all confirmed sightings of Asian Hornet since 2016 can be found on Defra's Asian Hornet sightings page.