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BeeBase page: Bees and the Law 

2019 Brexit - the 'No Deal' Plan

2015 Honey Regulations 

There are laws regarding the composition and labelling of honey for sale. If you are selling your honey you need to familiarise yourself with the following:

  • Honey Regulations and the Honey Directive
  • Food Labelling Regulations
  • Food and Environmental Protection Legislation
  • Food Safety Legislation
  • Veterinary Medicines Legislation

A guide to honey labelling requirements for producers

Food Standards: Labelling & Composition - Honey

1980 The Bees Act 

2006 Bee Diseases and Pests (England) Control Order 

2010 Bee Diseases and Pests Control (England) (Amendment) Order 

These Orders empower the Agriculture Departments of Great Britain to take measures to control American Foul Brood (AFB) and European Foul Brood (EFB), both of which are serious bacterial infections of brood and measures against the Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida), and Tropilaelaps Mites. Varroasis (a parasitic mite infestation caused by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor) is no longer notifiable.

Imports of honey bees are controlled by a limited third country system in order to prevent the introduction of exotic bee diseases. Presently only queen bees and attendant worker bees may be imported from selected countries. Only package bees are permitted from New Zealand (a queen plus 15,000 worker bees)

Search Veterinary Medicines Directorate website  product database for licensed varroa treatments.

Honey show regulations (BBKA) 

Important Beekeeping Organisations 

Veterinary Medicine Administration Record

More information can be found on this subject through the National Bee Unit's (NBU) website -