Useful Websites & Other Information

Document produced by Ian Campbell listing websites and other sources of useful information.

Useful update from the Natural History Museum:

Asian Hornet Traps to Make or Buy

PDF File

Resources by Gillian Turner

All documents kindly provided by Gillian Turner, member of Wokingham & District Beekeepers Association.

 A Beekeepers Guide to Asian Hornets

Is it an Asian Hornet? - details of native insects commonly mistaken for Asian Hornets

On the look out for Asian Hornet Embryo Nests

Asian Hornets for Outdoor Work

Attack on School in Deux-Sevres

Link to an article about Asian Hornets attacking pupils and staff at a school in Deux-Sevres, France.  Provided by Andrew Durham.

Asian Hornet Sighting

Northumberland Zoo Video which describes how they found an Asian Hornet in their vegetable delivery.

Dungeness Asian Hornet Sighting Article

ITV News Item - 3rd April 2024

Useful item on 'Yellow Legged' Asian Hornets and VespAI

Asian Hornet Features Graphic

  PDF File

QR Code for NHS Website: Insect bites & Stings

Hover over the image, right click and choose 'save as'.