Useful documents for Asian Hornet Teams:

Asian Hornet Risk Assessment

Protocol for Spring Trapping of AH Queens

Protocol for Asian Hornet Monitoring Traps

BBKA Insurance FAQs

Roles of Co-ordinators, Verifiers and Monitors

Asian Hornet Monitoring Safety Guidance

Asian Hornet Monitoring Thank You Letter

'Asian Hornet Monitoring & Trapping'
Guidance leaflet written for the BBKA by Alan Baxter, Sarah Bunker and Chloe Underwood

  PDF File

'How to Track Asian Hornets'
Instruction leaflet written for the BBKA by Sarah Bunker

   PDF File

Labels for Traps

A warning label or sign must be left with unattended traps informing the public:

  • the purpose of the bait station/trap
  • advising not to interfere with the bait station/trap
  • contact details of the bait station/trap owner
  • the contents of the attractant liquid
  • a QR code should be added to link to the NHS guidelines on stings - available on this page

Word File     Template for Avery L7165 labels (8 to a page)    Word File   Template for Avery J8173 labels (10 to a page)

Right click on image to save